#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*- # $ dhcphaxd.pl $ # # Created: Mon 18 Nov 2013 22:25:40 EET too # Last modified: Wed 26 May 2021 18:43:56 +0300 too # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License use 5.8.1; use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::INET; use Net::DHCP::Packet; use Net::DHCP::Constants; # fedora: perl-Net-DHCP # debian: libnet-dhcp-perl # netstat -nul # ss -nul # ifconfig / ip addr $ENV{PATH} = '/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin'; my ($srvport, $peeraddr) = (67, ''); while (@ARGV > 0) { $srvport = $ARGV[0] + 0, shift, next if $ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+$/; $peeraddr = $ARGV[0], shift, next if $ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/; last; } #print "$srvport $peeraddr -- @ARGV\n"; exit 0; die "\nUsage: $0 [srv port] [peer addr] This program replies 'offeredip' to any DHCP request arriving. If 'r' is given as last argument, route is set via 'interface' and DNS from /etc/resolv.conf (or -- with 'n' these are not set. This is usable in \"point-to-point\" ethernet connection between 2 machines e.g. for development purposes. Default [srv port] is 67 and default [peer addr]\n\n" unless @ARGV == 3; my $send_route; if ($ARGV[2] eq 'r') { $send_route = 1 } elsif ($ARGV[2] eq 'n') { $send_route = 0 } else { die "'$ARGV[2]' nor 'r' nor 'n'\n" } my $lease_time = 86400 * 5; # 5 days. ############## sub which($) { foreach (split /:/, $ENV{PATH}) { my $p = "$_/$_[0]"; return $p if -x $p; } return ''; } # ifconfig(8) / ip(8) is used to bring interface up. my $ifconfig = which 'ifconfig'; unless ($ifconfig) { die "No 'ifconfig' nor 'ip' in \$PATH\n" unless which 'ip'; } die "'tcpdump' not found (in \$PATH)\n" unless which 'tcpdump'; # parts from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4101219/how-can-i-find-the-ip-addresses-for-each-interface-in-perl #use Socket; require 'sys/ioctl.ph'; # cd /usr/include; sudo h2ph -r . my ($localip, $localmask); { # -- BB -- socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die "unable to create a socket: $!\n"; my $buf = pack('a256', $ARGV[0]); my @am; if (ioctl(S, SIOCGIFADDR(), $buf) && (@am = unpack('x20 C4', $buf))) { $localip = join '.', @am; } else { die "Cannot resolve ipv4 address of $ARGV[0]: $!\n"; } if (ioctl(S, SIOCGIFNETMASK(), $buf) && (@am = unpack('x20 C4', $buf))) { $localmask = join '.', @am; } else { die "Cannot resolve ipv4 netmask of $ARGV[0]: $!\n"; } close S; } # -- BE -- my $offeredip = $ARGV[1]; sub quad2int($) { my @bytes = split(/\./,$_[0]); if (@bytes == 2) { @bytes = ( $bytes[0], "0", "0", $bytes[1] ); } elsif (@bytes == 3) { @bytes = ( $bytes[0], "0", $bytes[1], $bytes[2] ); } die "'$_[0]': bad ipv4 address format\n" unless @bytes == 4 && ! grep {!(/\d+$/ && $_<256)} @bytes; return unpack("N", pack("C4",@bytes)); } sub int2quad($) { return join('.', unpack('C4', pack("N", $_[0]))); } sub cidr2int($) { return 2 ** 32 - 2 ** (32 - $_[0]); } sub w(@) { warn "WARNING: @_\n"; } { # -- BB -- my $ipv = quad2int $localip; my $maskv = quad2int $localmask; my $oipv = quad2int $offeredip; die "'$offeredip' is the same as local ip address\n" if $ipv == $oipv; w "'$localip' and '$offeredip' are in different networks (mask '$localmask')\n" unless ($ipv & $maskv) == ($oipv & $maskv); w "'$localip' is the same as network address\n" if ($ipv == ($ipv & $maskv)); w "'$offeredip' is the same as network address\n" if ($oipv == ($oipv & $maskv)); my $im = $maskv ^ 0xffffffff; w "'$localip' is the same as broadcast address\n" if ($ipv == ($ipv | $im)); w "'$offeredip' is the same as broadcast address\n" if ($oipv == ($oipv | $im)); } # -- BE -- ############## die "sudo!\n" unless $< == 0; my @nameservers; open I, '<', '/etc/resolv.conf' or die "Cannot read '/etc/resolv.conf: $!\n"; while () { if (/^\s*nameserver\s+(\d+)[.](\S+)/) { next if $1 eq '127'; push @nameservers, "$1.$2"; } } close I; unless (@nameservers) { warn "Did not find name servers. Offering ''.\n"; push @nameservers, ''; } my ($chaddr, $xid, $op) = ('', '', ''); sub send_message(); sub ts(); print "netmask: $localmask, nameservers: ", join(', ', @nameservers), "\n"; while (1) { # Using packet capture as it bypasses firewall -- Punching holes # to firewall is tedious & error prone (security risk). if ($ifconfig) { system 'ifconfig', $ARGV[0], 'up'; } else { system qw/ip link set/, $ARGV[0], 'up'; } open I, '-|', qw/tcpdump -i/, $ARGV[0], qw/-l -vvv -s 1500/, '((port 67 or port 68) and (udp[8:1] = 0x1))' or die; while () { #print "line: ", $_; # Client-Ethernet-Address 11:22:33:44:55:66 (oui Unknown) if (/^\s*Client-Ethernet-Address\s+(\S+)/) { $chaddr = $1; $chaddr =~ tr/://d; } # xid elsif (/bootpc.*bootps.*DHCP.*length.*xid\s+([0-9a-fx]+)/) { # # Magic Cookie 0x63825363 # elsif (/^\s*Magic Cookie\s+(\S+)/) { $xid = $1; $xid =~ s/^0x//; } # DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: Discover/Request elsif (/^\s*DHCP-Message Option 53,\s.*?(\S+)\s*$/) { $op = $1; } elsif (/^\s*END Option 255/) { send_message; ($chaddr, $xid, $op) = ('', '', ''); } } print "EOF from packet filter. restarting...\n"; sleep 1; } # end of "main" loop sub send_message() { print ts, "Received DHCP '$op': xid $xid, mac $chaddr\n"; # outcommented hack that was used to fill a specific purpose... #if ($chaddr eq 'aabbccddeeff') { $offeredip = ""; } #elsif ($chaddr eq '112233445566') { $offeredip = ""; } #else { #$offeredip = ""; #return; #} my ($mt, $mn); if ($op eq 'Discover') { $mt = DHCPOFFER(); $mn = 'offer'; } elsif ($op eq 'Request') { $mt = DHCPACK(); $mn = 'ack'; } else { warn ts, "Unsupported option: '$op'. Skipping.\n"; return; } my $S = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $srvport, LocalAddr => $localip, PeerPort => 68, PeerAddr => $peeraddr, Proto => 'udp', Broadcast => 1) or die "Socket creation error: $@\n"; my $pac = new Net::DHCP::Packet(Op => BOOTREPLY(), Hops => 0, Xid => hex $xid, Flags => 0, Ciaddr => '', Yiaddr => $offeredip, Siaddr => $localip, Giaddr => '', Chaddr => $chaddr, DHO_DHCP_MESSAGE_TYPE() => $mt); $pac->addOptionValue(DHO_SUBNET_MASK(), $localmask); #$pac->addOptionValue(DHO_ROUTERS(), ""); $pac->addOptionValue(DHO_ROUTERS(), $localip) if $send_route; $pac->addOptionValue(DHO_DHCP_LEASE_TIME(), $lease_time); $pac->addOptionValue(DHO_DHCP_SERVER_IDENTIFIER, $localip); $pac->addOptionValue(DHO_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVERS(), "@nameservers") if $send_route; select undef, undef, undef, 0.5; # interface to become up... print ts, "Sending $mn. IP: $offeredip (lease_time: $lease_time seconds)\n"; $S->send($pac->serialize()) or die "Error sending DHCP MSG #$mt: $!\n"; undef $S; } sub ts() { my @ts = localtime; return sprintf '%02d/%02d:%02d:%02d: ', $ts[3], $ts[2], $ts[1], $ts[0]; } __END__ # outcomment above line in case you want to see more resolution use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/; sub ts() { return gettimeofday . ' '; }